Jaime Sánchez (aka @segofensiva) has worked for over 20 years as a specialist advisor for large national and international companies, focusing on different aspects of security such as consulting, auditing, training, and ethical hacking techniques. He holds a Computer Engineering degree and an Executive MBA. In addition, he holds several certifications, like CISA, CISM, CISSP, just to name a few, and a NATO SECRET security clearance, as a result of his role as advisory of many law enforcement organizations, banks and large companies in Europe and Spain.

He has spoken in renowned security conferences nationally and internationally, as in RootedCON, Nuit du Hack, Black Hat, Defcon, DerbyCON, NocOnName, Deepsec, Shmoocon or Cyber Defence Symposium, among others. As a result of his researches, he has notified security findings and vulnerabilities to top companies and vendors, like Banco Popular, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Microsoft, Apple etc.

He is a frequent contributor on TV (TVE, Cuatro, LaSexta, Telecinco), press (El Pais, El Mundo, LA Times, NBC News) and radio programs, and writes a blog called 'SeguridadOfensiva'